Wednesday, December 18, 2013

-Entry 04: Of warm hugs and Frozen feels (Elsa make-up and wig trial)-

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My trial for Elsa's look

      A few weeks ago, my 2 younger sisters and I watched Disney's Frozen at RW Manila. Kinda fitting to watch it with them since its main theme is about sisterhood. I don't want to post spoilers for those who have not yet watched the movie (really??? watch it NOW!! it's worth every penny!). It's really awesome so yah! go see it! It's great for the entire family! I still have the Frozen hangover even if it's been weeks since we watched it!

       The music is also wonderful! Idina Menzel just owned the song "Let it go" and it's my favorite part from the entire movie! I tried to figure out the chords last weekend for it on the piano (I uploaded bits and pieces of me practicing at my instagram account) but then I got frustrated along the way so I ended up making a make-up test instead for Elsa...well, because I'm really bored that weekend too :P (ALSO: doh! I love her to bits!! and her gown! it's just so pretty!! I hope I could manage to make a gown like that one day!). Luckily, I have a white wig (intended for an Inuyasha photoshoot) so I braided that and used it to complete the look.

So are some snapshots (taken via my phone's camera) of how the test went out! :3
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These photos are also on my instagram account @dycee29 :)

      This for me is the hardest make up test I've made in my entire life. I've never used this much eyeshadow (ranging from plum to shades of pink and rose and frosted blue!). I have to use two pairs of fake eyelashes too because Elsa's lashes are really long and thick!

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Oh Elsa <3 I know that I don't look anything like her at all but mehhh

       Unfortunately, i forgot to wear colored contact lenses orz. but hey! maybe next time? :P This is, after all, only a test anyway :) 

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''The cold never bothered me anyway~!"

         I guess I should do another make up test for her character since Elsa really deserves all the justice she could get o/ Maybe with a better wig and contact lenses soon (and take photos via a better camera rather than my phone ;A; since the colors did not show that well here)

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I'm kinda lucky to have found a blue dress from my Mom's closet :P

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Here's a comparison with and without the wig! Elsa and Anna? :3

      That's it for now I guess :3 I am still unsure if I will cosplay her since just looking at the details of her gown overwhelms me a lot! But hey...maybe one day? :3 I'll make sure to post about it if ever it happens! :3 maybe i could post a step by step tutorial too on how I managed to achieve this look :3

     Feel free to share tips and tutorials and maybe cosplay advice for Elsa o/ I would love to hear from you :)



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and of course, an obligatory photo with my Kish Kish <3